About us
Mission Statement
The 4 basic missions of the Belgian Brain Council are:
1. To inform and educate the general population about the brain and its disorders
2. To lobby for an increase of financial and other resources for basic and clinical neuroscience research
3.To support the activities of its members and foster cross-talks between them, promoting patients' empowerment in the management of brain disorders and related public health policies.
4.To launch a Data Altruism Association for Brain & Mental health to facilitate research and the creation of a Belgian Brain Plan
Executive Committee

Laurence Ris PhD
Belgian Society for Neuroscience
Neuroscience Department. University of Mons
Roland Pochet PhD
Fac. Médecine Université Libre de Bruxelles & European Dana Alliance for the Brain
e-mail: pochet.roland@ulb.be
Twit: @rpochet54
Vice-President & Treasurer
Charles van der Straten Waillet
National Multiple Sclerosis Ligue asbl
rue Lambiotte 144 Lambiottestraat. B-1030 Bruxelles
Tel: +32(0)27361638

Gianni Franco, MD
EplC (Together for the Brain) & APk Association Parkinson
Neurology CHU UCL Namur (Dinant). Coll. ULg
Tel: +32(0)82227468 Cell; +32(0)478470774
Lia Le Roy
Werkgroep Hersentumoren vzw
Gasstraat 5. 2950 Kapellen
Tel: +32 (0)495 30 35 11

Jean Schoenen MD,PhD, FEAN (BBC Founder)
Department of Neurology. Liège University . CHR CItadelle. Blvd du XII de Ligne. B-4000 LIEGE.
Tel: +32(0)43218663

Rufin Vogels, PhD
Belgian Society for Neuroscience
Dept of Neurophysiology. Lab. Neuro-& Psychophysiology.KUL
Tel: +32(0)16330028

Dirk Van Roost, MD, PhD
BelgianSociety of Neurosurgery
Department of Neurosurgery Ghent University Hospital
tel: +32 9 332 50 76
Member at large
Rose Bruffaerts, MD, PhD
Universiteit Antwerpen
Universiteitsplein 1, B-2610 Wilrijk
Tel : +32(0)32653620
Member at large
Ann Van der Jeugd PhD
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, B-3000 Leuven
Tel: +32(0)16325636
Secretarial assistant
Latifah Irakiza
e-mail: coordination@braincouncil.eu
Twit: @EU_Brain
Tel: +32 (0)2 513 27 57

Our meetings

Septembre 2024
Board of Directors
Universiteit Antwerpen | Rose Bruffaers | |
KuLeuven Brain Institute | - | Ann Van der Jeugd |
Association Parkinson | Christine Pahaut | - |
Aidants proches-Ligue Alzheimer | Marguerite Mormal | - |
Ligue Alzheimer | Sabine HENRY | - |
Société Royale de Médecine Mentale de Belgique | Giovanni Briganti | - |
NAH | - | Benny Biets |
ULB | Roland Pochet | - |
National Multiple Sclerosis Ligue | Charles van der Straten | - |
Werkgroup Hersentumoren | - | Lia Leroy |
Belgian Headache Society | - | Jan Versijpt |
Vlaamse Vereninging voor Psychiatrie | - | Maarten Van Den Bossche |
Coma Science Group | Steven Laureys | - |
Belgian Pain Society | Bruno Leroy | - |
European DANA Alliance for Brain | Jean Schoenen | - |
Belgian Society for Neurosurgery | - | Dirk Van Roost |
Ensemble pour le Cerveau | Gianni Franco | - |
Belgian Society for Neuroscience | Laurence Ris
| Rufin Vogels
Belgian College of Neuropharmacology and Biological Psychiatry | Martin Desseilles | - |
Members - Patients'associations
Association | Name | Logo | Site internet |
Stroke & Go Asbl | Pascal Lecomte | https://www.stroke-go.be/ | |
Inkendaal | Eva Michiels | https://www.inkendaal.be/ | |
Vlaamse Parkinson Liga | Miek Van Der Wee | http://parkinsonliga | |
Demoucelle Parkinson Charity | Anne-Marie Demoucelle | http://www.demoucelle.com/charity | |
APk Association Parkinson Francophone Belge | Christine Pahaut | https://www.parkinsonasbl.be/ | |
Ligue Nationale Belge de Sclérose en Plaques asbl | Charles van der Straten Waillet | https://www.liguesep.be/ | |
Werkgroep Hersentumoren | Lia Le Roy | http://www.wg-hersentumoren.be/site_nl/vzw.php | |
Nationale Belgische Multiple Sclerose Liga vzw | Charles van der Straten | https://ms-sep.be/nl/ | |
Mouvement National Vie Libre | Jean-Luc Morelle | https://www.vie-libre.be/ | |
Association Dégénérescene Maculqire Liée à l’Age | Marie-Anne Dage | https://www.dmla.be/ | |
Association de Parents pour l’épanouissement des Personnes Autistes (APEPA) | Freddy Hanot | https://autisme-belgique.wixsite.com/apepa | |
Aidants PROCHES Bruxelles a.s.b.l. | Marguerite Mormal | https://www.aidantsproches.brussels/ | |
Alzheimer Liga Vlaanderen | Olivier Constant | https://www.alzheimerliga.be/nl | |
Alzheimer Belgique ASBL | Karin Van Loon | https://alzheimerbelgique.be/ | |
Action Parkinson | Cécile Grégoire | https://www.actionparkinson.be/ | |
Tremblement Essentiel - Belgique | Véronique Stuylaert | https://www.tremblement-essentiel-asbl.be/ | |
Belgique Acouphènes | Yolande & Léon Delobbe | https://www.belgiqueacouphenes.be/ | |
Harvey Cushing | Daniel Vandenborre | http://harvey-cushing-center.be/fr/ | |
ADHD, ASC & LD Belgium | Beverley Sinton & Chantel Fouche | https://adhd-edu.be/ | |
Ligue Alzheimer | Sabine Henry | https://alzheimer.be/ | |
Ligue Belge contre les Céphalées | Christian Gérard | https://cephalees.be/ | |
Ligue Huntington Francophone Belge | Albert Counet | http://www.huntington.be/ | |
Organization for Understanding Cluster Headaches (O.U.C.H.) | Claudine Leroy & Philippe Lenders | https://ouch-belgium.be/fr/ | |
Ups & Downs | Rebecca Muller | http://www.upsendowns.be | |
Whiplash | Myriam Puype | https://www.vzw-whiplash.be/ | |
EPIONI | Spyros Zorbas | https://epioni.gr/en/ | |
Hoofd-Stuk | Mik Ver Berne | https://www.hoofd-stuk.be/ | |
Association Belge contre les Maladies neuro-Musculaires ASBL (ABMM) | Jean-Marie Huet | https://www.telethon.be/ |
Members - Scientific Societies
Society | Name | Logo | Website |
Belgian Society of Neurosurgery | Bart Depreitere | https://www.bsn.be/ | |
Belgian Headache Society | Annelies Van Dycke | http:// belgianheadachesociety.be | |
MEDIC | Damien van Tiggelen | https://www.mil.be | |
Groupe Infirmier(e)s Francophone Douleur | Sandrine Naveau | http://gifd.be/ | |
ABMM | Jean-Marie Huet | https://www.telethon.be/ | |
Hersenletsel Liga | Benny Biets | https://hersenletselliga.be/ | |
La Voix des Migraineux | Sabine Debraemaker | https://www.lavoixdesmigraineux.fr/ | |
BASS | Sonia Scaillet | https://www.belsleep.org/ | |
Center for Cognitive Neuroscience of UGent | Ruth Krebs | https://www.ugent.be/pp/ccn/en | |
C4N | Ilse Smolders | https://c4n.research.vub.be/ | |
Vlaams Artsensyndicaat vzw | - | https://www.vlaamsartsensyndicaat.be/nomenclatuur/neurochirurgie | |
Société Royale de Médecine Mentale de Belgique | Giovanni Briganti | https://www.srmmb.be/ | |
Société Belge de Neurologie Pediatrique | Anna Jansen | http://www.bspn.be/bspn/page.asp?lang=fr&navid=143&mod=bylaws&page=index | |
Le Ressort | Marine Sprumont | https://www.leressort.be/ | |
Institut Royal Supérieur Musique de & Pédagogie | Guido Jardon | https://www.imep.be/fr/ | |
EplC Ensemble pour le Cerveau Together for the Brain asbl | Gianni Franco | https://eplc.be/ | |
Belgian Pain Society | André Mouraux | https://www.belgianpainsociety.org/ | |
Belgian College of Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry | Martin Desseilles | https://www.bcnbp.org/ | |
UHasselt | Bruno Bonnechère | https://relab.eu/en/ | |
VVP | Maarten Van Den Bossche | https://www.vvp-online.be/ | |
UMONS | Laurence Ris | https://web.umons.ac.be/fr/ | |
Belgian Stroke Council | Pascal Lecomte | https://belgianstrokecouncil.be/fr/ | |
Breinwijzer | Eva De Vlieger | https://www.breinwijzer.be/ | |
Coma Science Group | Aurore Thibaut & Olivia Gosseries | https://www.coma.uliege.be/ | |
UAntwerp | Rose Bruffaerts | https://www.uantwerpen.be/en/research-groups/muneuro/ | |
Fondation Charcot Stitching | Isabelle Bloem-Gonsette | https://www.fondation-charcot.org/fr/fondation-charcot-vaincre-sclerose-plaques-recherche | |
Hénallux | Cécile Dury | https://www.henallux.be/ | |
IoNS, UCL | André Moureaux & Raphael Degand | https://uclouvain.be/fr/instituts-recherche/ions | |
Leuven Brain Institute | Mathieu Vandenbulcke | https://www.kuleuven.be/brain-institute | |
Belgian Society for Neuroscience | Julie Duque | https://belgianneuroscience.be/ | |
ULB Neuroscience Institute | Serge Schiffmann | https://uni.ulb.ac.be/ | |
Epilepsie Liga | Paul Boon | https://www.epilepsieliga.be/ |